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Showing posts from December, 2010

Tolley's Tax Deformity - a new disease?

I am slightly concerned about these...growths that I've found on my Tolley's Tax Handbooks...what could be in there? Are they buboes ? Should I be using the Medieval approach of protecting myself with sweet smelling nosegays? Is it the sign of an infestation of book-flesh eating bugs? Will they eventually burst out from the spines in a spray of paper shreds? Like the chestburster from Alien, but with more glue, and less blood? I am afraid. If you don't hear from me by the end of January, send in the search parties. Although I'd recommend they be wearing with HazMat suits , probably Type 1. And bring tongs.

A latey, librariany, stereotypey shopping treasury

You! Yes, you! So you know a librarian? And you like stereotypes? And you want to buy them something for Christmas that fits in nicely to that stereotype?* Well, let me help… Now, books can get poorly, so what could be better than to let your Beloved Librarian help support sickly books, with a Book Shoe from the National Trust (no, I had no idea what a book shoe was before either). If you’re feeling flush, you could buy Beloved Librarian their very own mobile library ! Of course, they won’t get to draw it around the hills and vales of Britain , or get to give the donkey a funny name, but they’ll get a warm, inner glow of Doing Good. Even warmer if you actually buy them some books to put in i t. Of course, if you’re feeling wildly extravangant, buy BL their own village library . Although for that price, I’d be demanding that the library be named after me. Etsy is of course a world of weird and wonderful handmade gifts…how have I survived without the book ring ? Maybe your BL n

Well, it depends...

These are just a few simple words, yet they're almost guaranteed to turn a bright-eyed, hopeful lawyer into a darkly-muttering, frustrated one. Y'see, sometimes there ain't a simple answer to what seems like a straightforward question because it all....depends. It depends, dear enquirer, because what may seem reasonable to one party, might not be so reasonable to the other party. And no, I can't give you any more information on the probable response by a judge or sheriff to your case because your case is entirely individual; the facts and circumstances in it are unique, and will have to be considered on their own merits. If you like, I could dig out a case from the 1800s that may relate to sheep, or suchlike, but I can tell you now, it's not going to help you one little bit. How nice a mood I am at the time in can be estimated by how sympathetic I sound when I deliver this information....