Ohhh, it's all gone quiet on the news front, hasn't it? Normally, summer is a much quieter time around the office anyway, as less information's coming in. The Scottish and Westminster Parliaments are in recess, courts are in summer vacation period, and the " Silly Season " begins in the newspapers. Currently, the Silly Season stories are being replaced by the Olympic Frenzy stories, which are almost as mind-numbing.in content, and as irrelevant to my usual work as the daft stories about things like a cartoon-style hamster pursuit .* This leads to a slight lessening in the volume of routine work coming in...but unfortunately, that doesn't mean we get to slack off, sit twiddling our thumbs, or race the Library study chairs around the office. Oh no: now's the time when all those, pushed-to-the-bottom-of-the-To-Do-list, "when I get some more time" projects start to get all the attention! Need to revise and update in-house training materials?