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Showing posts from June, 2012

It's not just librarians who suffer from stereotyping

Unfortunately, lawyers get it too...and one of the best (for best, read "irritating and patronising") ones is the Legally Blonde female lawyer. Y'know - that attractive yet dumb blonde girl who floats through life, until an major event makes her re-evaluate everything, and then she works her socks off to show everyone how smart she really is? Seems like the BBC have been watching a few too many repeats of that film recently, judging from their reporting of this story  (although Legally Blonde isn't specifically mentioned in the report). Look: she's blonde! Look: she's pretty! Look: she used to work in a beauty-based job! That means she must be stupid! Look: she went to court to battle on her Mum's behalf! Isn't that an unexpected event! Look: she's studied to become a lawyer! And excelled at her studies! Look: she's actually really, really smart! Who could have imagined? Dear god - all it needs is her bust size, and a hint that she

It's a grey, grey day

Edinburghshire has regressed (or progressed) to Autumn in full on 3D mode (Damp, Dark, and Dreich), so I'm cheering myself up with a reminder of a sunny day. Feel free to make full use of this for self-cheering purposes too. Make a wish!

5 candles. Not 4 candles..or fork handles.

5 candles on my blog birthday cake, on its fifth anniversary*! I've done quite a bit since I started this blog up: Chartered, (hopefully) Revalidated, been a Committee member, been a Convenor, organised training events, gone to training events, formally and informally mentored other information professionals (and been mentored by them in return), set up the UK Library Bloggers wiki, pottered about the edges of interesting projects like the Library Routes and Build India A Library initiatives, been involved in the setting up of various wikis for various purposes, taken part in a course of online study, attended formal conferences and informal unconferences (that is such  a horrible word!), and along the way, found a ton of entertaining book-related gifts on Etsy. In other words - good lord, I got professional! And it didn't even hurt! Keeping the blog going (despite long periods where I've thought "I really have nothing to talk about", or "I have loads to

Back to the Renewables Future

So, while trying to find out what the difference between a megawatt and a gigawatt is, I had a much power, in gigawatts, did it take to power the Delorean in "Back to the Future"? According to the esteemed  Doc Brown , it was 1.21 gigawatts, the power being provided by the nuclear reaction of plutonium, unwisely stolen from terrorists. According to the Scottish Government (p3), as at July 2011, Scotland had 4.2 gigawatts of installed capacity from renewable sources such as wind and wave power. We could send Marty Back to the Future three times over. And completely avoid the need for stealing plutonium from bad guys. Nice!