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Showing posts from November, 2011

The Silence of the Dumpling

Times is busy round Dumplingville - a traumatic house move (solicitors! GAH!), the accompanying lack of broadband provision at the new house until gawd-knows-when (probably around about the time I start rocking and crying in a corner) which means that lunchtimes are filled with frantic online account updating (yes, TV Licensing Authority, I DO actually have a valid license for the property, as you'd see if you looked at your own damn records. No need to threaten me with enforcer visits, you fools!), added to the need for evenings and weekends filled with extensive DIY activities (kitchens and bathrooms are entirely optional facilities, right?), and of course the requirement to keep on ploughing through a shedload of work at my Place of Gainful Employment, and I have officially got no time or opportunity to blog. So, consider this blog as being on holiday. If it was a cow standing in a field, you'd be able to tell that it was on its holidays, because it'd have a wee calf.