Yay, it's almost time for the festive grumbling-about-suppliers and muttering-about-budgets SLLG Christmas meeting! And the musical speed-networking chairs game! No Scottish law librarian Christmas is complete without it! It's that time of year again. This year's Christmas networking meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th December at 4pm in the SSC Library . Christine Wilcox has kindly offered to be host again and the meeting will be sponsored by Avizandum. We will be sticking to our usual "speed networking" format followed by the ever-popular "mulled wine and mince pies" format. If you would like to come please let me know and if you have any suggestions for discussion topics, even better. If you're a member of the Scottish Law Librarians Group, I hope to see you there. And *ssshhh*...I may even bring along some teeth-melting tablet too... Also, while typing the title to this post, I created what I believe to be a new type of meeting: "new...
Meandering waffle about libraries, law, geekery and occasional crafting.