So, FedEx screwed up, really quite impressively . To their credit, someone got in touch with me via email within a few days of me posting that, to apologise and ask for the specifics so they could get it dealt with. I've been a bit busy this week, so I've not had a chance to reply to them yet. In the meantime, my complaint letter must have winged its way to someone, as yesterday I got an email, confirming the information I'd asked for, and apologising for the bad service. Excellent: I'd got what I asked for, and that was an end to the issue. But this afternoon, a package arrived for me. A big, heavy package from FedEx. I went off to collect it, with no idea why they were still contacting me: as far as I was concerned, the matter was closed. But the label on the box gave a clue as to why it was there: Slightly concerning that this is needed often enough to be a proper label... And the contents gave even more of a clue: an apology note, and lots of delicious go...
Meandering waffle about libraries, law, geekery and occasional crafting.