I've been thinking a lot recently about what my blog is actually contributing.
I'm not a leading 'thinker', I'm not an investigative reporter, I'm not really great at anything, I'm just, well, here.
It's been great for meeting other law librarians, both in the UK and internationally, but do I actually really contribute anything useful or new?
I don't think so, to be very honest.
So what's the point of me continuing this blog?
I can now post (hopefully) useful stuff to the law.librarian collaborative blog, which I would otherwise have posted here, so this blog has become kind of surplus to requirements really. I started it to post items I thought were relevant to my field, so I could refer back to them easily, but law.librarians does a far better job of it together than I could ever do on my own!
I may continue to post items of relevance to Scots law only, or the more fun / frivolous that doesn't really fit on law.librarians, but I think that I'm going to take a break from blogging here, and perhaps in general, and see how I feel about things in a few months. Maybe I'll become filled with opinions and thoughts, and they'll be clamouring to be typed out, and I won't be able to shut up for more than a few days.....who knows!
I'm not a leading 'thinker', I'm not an investigative reporter, I'm not really great at anything, I'm just, well, here.
It's been great for meeting other law librarians, both in the UK and internationally, but do I actually really contribute anything useful or new?
I don't think so, to be very honest.
So what's the point of me continuing this blog?
I can now post (hopefully) useful stuff to the law.librarian collaborative blog, which I would otherwise have posted here, so this blog has become kind of surplus to requirements really. I started it to post items I thought were relevant to my field, so I could refer back to them easily, but law.librarians does a far better job of it together than I could ever do on my own!
I may continue to post items of relevance to Scots law only, or the more fun / frivolous that doesn't really fit on law.librarians, but I think that I'm going to take a break from blogging here, and perhaps in general, and see how I feel about things in a few months. Maybe I'll become filled with opinions and thoughts, and they'll be clamouring to be typed out, and I won't be able to shut up for more than a few days.....who knows!
Don't shut down! I like the idea of a Scots law focus. I for one would find this very useful. Especially Scottish law resources info. and news. Be generous and help me out here.
I often feel the way you do. I did stop and then came back. It's nice to have your own, distinct voice. You won't really have that if you blog primarily at law.librarians.
You have something here and I think you'll miss it if you stop. I will miss it if you stop.
It couldn't hurt to stick it out for a while longer. You never know what might happen next. ; )
I think the Scots law focus is very interesting and unique, and I'd hate to lose that. And I'd very much hate to lose everything else as well!
And I think that the fact that you're blogging and contributing and being part of the community does make you a leading thinker (even if we haven't made ALAs Movers and Shakers list yet!). There are so few of us doing this in the UK yet, it'd be a terrible shame to lose you.