Onwards and upwards: to the how, why, and where of my career so far.
Well, the background of this little library fairytale can be found here and here, as originally written for the Library Routes project. It's a sordid tale of intrigue, smuggling, dark deeds, derring do, and a disturbingly accurate dot matrix printout.*
So that's where I've been...where am I now? Well, I'm still in the law firm library I've been in for the last six years, still enjoying what I do, and gradually accepting that perhaps I am actually a proper professional after all. I have no great and glorious career plans - I think I'm pretty lucky just to be in a role I enjoy (despite my occasional muttered swear words on bad/stressful days), and am happy to continue doing what I do, for as long as I'm allowed to do it.
I'm not a thought leader, profession inspirer, groundbreaking researcher, or any of the exciting things that other people seem to be, or want to be, but I'm content and enjoy my job, and try my best to help others in their work, where I can. Which is, in itself, a pretty good achievement I think.
*At least one of those claims is true.
And what about the UK library bloggers wiki, eh? And the library day in the life stuff? And all you do for SLLG? You're definitely making a difference in the library world, whether you realise it or not!
(plus you make the cutest crafty things ever!)