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Scottish Working Group on Official Publications seminar
May 23rd 2008
Venue: Edinburgh Training Centre, St Mary’s Street, Edinburgh
From Parliament Square to Holyrood – historical official publications online
A seminar aimed at all users of official publications and statistics. The seminar will provide an introduction to all the new and exciting historical resources currently available online – from Pre 1707 Scots Parliament records, early Westminster through to the Holyrood of the present day.
Programme outline
10.00 Registration and coffee
10.30 Welcome and introduction
10.35 Parliament’s past online : a review of sources
Paul Seaward Director – History of Parliament Trust.
11.05 From archive to internet: producing an online edition of the records of the pre 1707 Scottish Parliament
Gillian MacIntosh St Andrews University
11.55 Prototyping Hansard
Robert Brook, UK Parliament
12.30 Lunch
1.30 Online Historical Population reports
Matthew Woollard – Project Director, Online Historical Reports Project.
2.05 Digitisation of Parliamentary Texts at BOPCRIS
Dr Julian Ball, Project Manager, BOPCRIS
2.40 ProQuest Parliamentary Papers
Rob Newman, Senior Editor, Proquest CSA
3.15 Questions and discussion
3.30 Close of seminar
Fee (includes refreshments and lunch) - £75
How to book:
Please book via the SWOP website
Scottish Working Group on Official Publications seminar
May 23rd 2008
Venue: Edinburgh Training Centre, St Mary’s Street, Edinburgh
From Parliament Square to Holyrood – historical official publications online
A seminar aimed at all users of official publications and statistics. The seminar will provide an introduction to all the new and exciting historical resources currently available online – from Pre 1707 Scots Parliament records, early Westminster through to the Holyrood of the present day.
Programme outline
10.00 Registration and coffee
10.30 Welcome and introduction
10.35 Parliament’s past online : a review of sources
Paul Seaward Director – History of Parliament Trust.
11.05 From archive to internet: producing an online edition of the records of the pre 1707 Scottish Parliament
Gillian MacIntosh St Andrews University
11.55 Prototyping Hansard
Robert Brook, UK Parliament
12.30 Lunch
1.30 Online Historical Population reports
Matthew Woollard – Project Director, Online Historical Reports Project.
2.05 Digitisation of Parliamentary Texts at BOPCRIS
Dr Julian Ball, Project Manager, BOPCRIS
2.40 ProQuest Parliamentary Papers
Rob Newman, Senior Editor, Proquest CSA
3.15 Questions and discussion
3.30 Close of seminar
Fee (includes refreshments and lunch) - £75
How to book:
Please book via the SWOP website